How to build a hardware and software robotic arm?

asked 2022-05-18 23:26:27 -0500

zouzhe gravatar image

First of all, I didn't know where to ask this question. I went to discover and was told that I should come to answer.

I have a six-axis robotic arm,But he can only use the teach pendant。 So I'm going to replace the servo drive so I can use ros control

1,What protocol servo driver do you suggest I buy? EtherCat or modbus or other?

(I just want to know which is the most mainstream way everyone uses)

2,I have a jetson nano, do I need any other major hardware when I buy the servo drive?

3,Should the servo drive be directly connected to jetson nano through serial port or RJ45 port or CAN? Or need an adapter board similar to stm32 as a motor control adapter board?

4,If the servo drive is directly connected to the jetson nano, what is the approximate composition of the software OS?

thank you all!

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I want to upload an image, but I am prompted >5 points required to upload files

zouzhe gravatar image zouzhe  ( 2022-05-18 23:27:26 -0500 )edit

Upvoted your question to allow you to post images. Edit your question and add them. Also, I'm really curious what robot arm you're using, since I'm not certain there is a need to replace the servo drive.

Joe28965 gravatar image Joe28965  ( 2022-05-20 05:18:47 -0500 )edit

The servo driver is ethercat and can be used, but the manufacturer does not give the communication protocol. So just change the drive. I just want to know if the mainstream robotic arm drives are directly connected to the ros board, and do I need a mcu adapter board?

zouzhe gravatar image zouzhe  ( 2022-05-20 08:14:03 -0500 )edit