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How to get rid of zombie nodes ?

asked 2022-05-11 04:19:58 -0500

florian.pix gravatar image

When I use ros2 node list I have 3 nodes that I can't get rid of. I.e. if I close everything and reboot they are still there. As far as I know there is nothing like rosnode kill in ros2 (see. I also don't know their pid because the processes don't have the same name as the nodes. Any ideas on how to get rid of them without reinstalling everything and how to avoid this in the future ?

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answered 2022-06-28 02:43:31 -0500

florian.pix gravatar image

First of all there is nothing like rosnode kill in ros2, but normally you shouldn't need it.

My problem rose from other computers on the same network. To avoid seeing other ros2 nodes on the same network you can change the ROS_DOMAIN_ID.

Here's some more information about which ID to choose.

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Asked: 2022-05-11 04:19:58 -0500

Seen: 126 times

Last updated: Jun 28 '22