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Best way to install ROS2 on Windows?

asked 2022-04-01 10:38:35 -0500

alberto gravatar image

Hi all,

I know, it sounds a stupid question but hear me out. I've already installed ROS2 on both Linux and Windows. For example in Linux, searching "install ros2 ubuntu" it leads me to this, but I found that it's better to install it with Debian Packages as suggested here. If you don't (as I first did), you may have problems everytime you need something from sudo apt get ...

Now, speaking about Windows, google search leads me to this, and I manage to do all the steps. Now my question: is this the best way to install it? In fact I also found this, and the link of the first answer seems pretty straightforward, moreover it saves it in \opt\ros\foxy\x64 that is similar to the linux installation path.

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1 Answer

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answered 2022-04-02 00:15:51 -0500

HomalozoaX gravatar image

Hi. For me, the best way to install ROS 2 on Windows, is installing ROS 2 on WSL2. WSL2 is the second generation of Windows Subsystem Linux. You can install many different Linux distributions on it. For example, you can run Ubuntu 20.04 and install ROS 2 with apt. WSL 2 supports GUI desktop Apps, link Run Linux GUI apps on the Windows Subsystem for Linux shows the introductions.

But for now, WSL2 doesn't support using USB devices on it. Hince you will not be able to using any USB devices directly.

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Thank you for the answer. In my case, the USB part may be a problem since I have to connect one usb-c device and some firewire.

alberto gravatar image alberto  ( 2022-04-05 02:37:56 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2022-04-01 10:38:35 -0500

Seen: 753 times

Last updated: Apr 02 '22