Transform from base_link to map was unavailable
Im getting the following error on Navsat_transform_node and I dont know why.
Transform from base_link to map was unavailable for the time requested. Using latest instead.
I receive this message every 2 seconds:
[ WARN] [1648227578.620166357]: Transform from base_link to map was unavailable for the time requested. Using latest instead.
[ WARN] [1648227580.620179657]: Transform from base_link to map was unavailable for the time requested. Using latest instead.
No matter how i changue the frequency rates of the sensors and ekf estimation nodes. In this moment I have:
- /fix (10Hz)
/imu/data (25Hz) -/odom_enc (25 Hz - 23 real Hz) -/Ekf_global_odometry (15 Hz)
navsat_node is working at 7 Hz
Tf base_link to odom is generated by EKF node instance runing at 20 Hz
- TF odom to map is generated by EKF node instance runing at 15HZ
My outpout from tf tree is the next one:
I already put offsets to the generation tf frames on EKF global node, but it didn´t works for me
are you working in simulation or in hardware? if you are working in simulation, are all your nodes using the same clock? Its been a while since i"ve worked in ROS1, but a common issue with transforms when people are working in simulation is that, when they don't appropriately setup all their nodes to use the sim clock, there will be a mismatch between the times requested (sim time starts at 0, the wall clock will be some arbitrary large value). TF complains when you ask it to extrapolate by too much.
I am working in hardware, i have a jetson nano and a arduino one (for motor and enconders control infertace) conected. Do you think times on arduino and jetson could be different?