purpose of robot_state_publisher
I am building a differential-wheel robot with rplidar and I am wondering if there is any reason to use the robot state publisher. My questions:
- Why incorporate robot_state_publisher in my launch file? Does it pick the geometric robot and lidar data from the urdf and then broadcast their odometry transforms as a parent-child relation?
- If yes, couldn't I better add that parent-child transform broadcast to my own C++ code instead of using robot_state_publisher with an urdf file?
This is a really generic question, and one which has been discussed quite a few times on ROS Answers, IIRC.
It would be good if you could mention which Q&As you've already read on this topic, to prevent board members answering in a similar manner -- and thereby not clarifying anything.
Google works well for searching ROS Answers, just append
to your query.