Recovery Backup Not working
I am running Nav2 on Ros2, Foxy distro, NVIDIA Jetson computer with Teensy 4.1.
When my robot is stuck in a corner, I see it enters the recovery tree and does the spin and wait actions; however it has never performed the backup function and as a result it usually ends up aborting after a few tries and I have to restart the entire navigation stack.
Based on the Nav2 documentation I believe I have installed all standard default settings for recovery server so not sure why it wont try backup when it tries spin and wait pretty well. Any ideas on settings I might want to tweak?
Also, if it does abort is there any reason that I need to completely restart the entire Nav stack, rather than it being able to accept a new goal; or perhaps a abort auto restarts Nav stack.
Thank you!
What is your behavior tree? Have you added a backup recovery?
I used Linorobot2 install:
In the navigation parameters I left the defaulted: