vision_msgs ros1_bridge mapping rule

asked 2021-10-21 07:47:56 -0500

droneman1 gravatar image

updated 2021-10-21 07:58:41 -0500

hello all. i'm trying to compile ros1_bridge. it failes because there is a differance between the vision_msgs package in ros1 melodic and ros2 foxy. there are fields in the ROS2 that are not present in the ROS1 package. speficicly with the messages: Detection2D.msg Detection3D.msg.

Detection3D.msg ROS1:

Header header

ObjectHypothesisWithPose[] results

BoundingBox3D bbox

sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 source_cloud

Detection3D ROS2:

std_msgs/Header header

ObjectHypothesisWithPose[] results

BoundingBox3D bbox

string id

Detection2D.msg ROS1:

Header header

ObjectHypothesisWithPose[] results

BoundingBox2D bbox

sensor_msgs/Image source_img

Detection2D.msg ROS2

std_msgs/Header header

ObjectHypothesisWithPose[] results

BoundingBox2D bbox

string id

my mapping rule in vision_msgs package in my ROS2_WS:

ros1_package_name: 'vision_msgs'

ros1_message_name: 'Detection2D'

ros2_package_name: 'vision_msgs'

ros2_message_name: 'Detection2D'


header: 'header'

results: 'results'

bbox: 'bbox'

ros1_package_name: 'vision_msgs'

ros1_message_name: 'Detection3D'

ros2_package_name: 'vision_msgs'

ros2_message_name: 'Detection3D'


header: 'header'

results: 'results'

how do i do the missing fields part?


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