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GetModelState gives 0.

asked 2021-09-22 13:55:02 -0600

Roshan gravatar image

Hello, I'm trying to get the position of my turtlebot3. The turtlebot is driving around, not at origo. I'm getting:

 [ INFO] [1632336073.528190391]: x = 0.000000 :

As output when i use:

 ROS_INFO("x = %f :",getModelState.response.pose.position.x);

I have also tried getting the info directly from the command line by using:

rosservice call /gazebo/get_model_state tb3_0 world

and then it is working fine, so I don't get why my code isn't giving the right answer. Here's the rest of the code

#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "gazebo_ros_link_attacher/Attach.h" //For custom meldinger 
#include "gazebo_msgs/SpawnModel.h"
#include "gazebo_msgs/GetModelState.h"
#include "gazebo_msgs/ModelState.h"
#include "geometry_msgs/Quaternion.h" 

using namespace std;

int main(int argc,char **argv){
    ros::init(argc,argv,"spawn_marker");/*Initialiserer node med navn*/
    ros::NodeHandle n;
    geometry_msgs::Pose pose;

    ros::ServiceClient spawn_sdf_model_client = n.serviceClient<gazebo_msgs::SpawnModel>("/gazebo/spawn_sdf_model");
    ros::ServiceClient get_model = n.serviceClient<gazebo_msgs::GetModelState>("/gazebo/get_model_state");
    ros::ServiceClient attach_client = n.serviceClient<gazebo_ros_link_attacher::Attach>("link_attacher/attach");

    gazebo_msgs::GetModelState getModelState;
    gazebo_msgs::ModelState modelstate;

    string modelName = "tb3_1" ;
    string relativeEntityName = "world" ;

    getModelState.request.model_name = modelName;
    getModelState.request.relative_entity_name = relativeEntityName;

    //if ({
      //  ROS_INFO("X= %lf ;",getModelState.response.pose.position.x);

    //ROS_INFO("x = %s :",state.response.model_name);

    //pose = 

    //ObjectAvoidance object;

    ros::Rate loop_rate(1); /*Bestemmer loop rate hastighet */

    while (ros::ok()){
      //  object.control();
        ROS_INFO("x = %f :",getModelState.response.pose.position.x);

    return 0;
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1 Answer

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answered 2021-09-23 02:33:43 -0600

tfoote gravatar image

You appear to have the function which is actually going to call the service commented out. aka the line which invokes Without that you're just printing the initialized value of the struct.

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Asked: 2021-09-22 13:54:13 -0600

Seen: 163 times

Last updated: Sep 23 '21