[/outdoor_waypoint_nav/ekf_se_map] wants topic /gps/fix to have datatype/md5sum

asked Aug 4 '21

Delbina gravatar image


I have recorded the Topics related to imu, gps, and wheel odometer and a number of other topics, and now I have launched robot_Localization pakages instances: name="ekf_se_odom" & name="ekf_se_map". But i have the following error, what does it mean?

rosbag play --pause Librarydata_2021-08-04-11-39-00.bag Waiting 0.2 seconds after advertising topics... done.

Hit space to toggle paused, or 's' to step. [RUNNING] Bag Time: 1628073561.266007 Duration: 20.330134 / 91.008714

I would be grateful, if any body can support Thanks

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