pointcloud_to_laserscan pub rate very slow
Here is the launch file of my pointcloud to laserscan publisher;
<!-- run pointcloud_to_laserscan node -->
<node pkg="pointcloud_to_laserscan" type="pointcloud_to_laserscan_node" name="pointcloud_to_laserscan">
<remap from="cloud_in" to="/camera/depth/points"/>
<remap from="scan" to="scan_filtered"/>
target_frame: camera_link # Leave disabled to output scan in pointcloud frame
transform_tolerance: 0.01
min_height: 0.0
max_height: 1.0
angle_min: -1.5708 # -M_PI/2
angle_max: 1.5708 # M_PI/2
angle_increment: 0.0087 # M_PI/360.0
scan_time: 1
range_min: 0.45
range_max: 15.0
use_inf: true
inf_epsilon: 1.0
# Concurrency level, affects number of pointclouds queued for processing and number of threads used
# 0 : Detect number of cores
# 1 : Single threaded
# 2->inf : Parallelism level
concurrency_level: 1
But as i saw the output publish rate i.e scan_filtered is very very slow around 0.3 average rate shown by the rostopic hz. Which parameters should i change to increase the pub rate of the scan_filtered? Here i have transformed the depth_frame link to camera_frame for correct transformation of laserscan.