Which LGSVL simulator GPS topic are used in the AutowareAuto Avp Demo

asked 2021-06-17 03:50:53 -0500

rahul14k gravatar image

updated 2021-06-17 08:17:43 -0500


I am looking into the topics for lgsvl simulator gps data that are published on ros2 bridge.

As there are two topics published by the LGSVL simulator -

1). GPS Device - "/gnss/fix"

2). GPS Odometry - "/lgsvl/odom "

I want to understand which topic data of lgsvl simulator GPS is used by AutowareAuto or Is there any other topic data used by AutowareAuto or in AVP-Demo.

Also, I have gone through the code of AVP demo and finds out that imu0: /imu/imu_raw lines in odom_state_estimator.param.yaml file are not uisng then what is the impact of it.



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