ROS2 Foxy install on Big Sur failing, any ideas?
Have someone succeeded installing ROS2 Foxy distro on MacOS Big Sur?
I have followed the instructions in the official for both: build from source and install. I disabled SIP but still getting some stderr for fastcdr, cyclonedds, tracetools_trace, tracetools_read, google_benchmark_vendor, shared_queues_vendor, yaml_cpp_vendor, uncrustify_vendor, orocos_kdl, tlsf, tango_icons_vendor, foonathan_memory_vendor, mimick_vendor, rcl_logging_log4cxx
After building this is the summary I get:
Summary: 114 packages finished [6min 8s]
1 package failed: rcl_logging_log4cxx
4 packages aborted: fastrtps rcpputils rosidl_runtime_c rviz_ogre_vendor
15 packages had stderr output: cyclonedds fastcdr foonathan_memory_vendor google_benchmark_vendor mimick_vendor orocos_kdl rcl_logging_log4cxx rttest rviz_ogre_vendor shared_queues_vendor tlsf tracetools_read tracetools_trace uncrustify_vendor yaml_cpp_vendor
167 packages not processed
Could you check #q380191? The OP there seems to run into similar problems.