How to manage Navigation 2 Lifecycle

asked 2021-05-18 19:07:09 -0500

Archhaskeller gravatar image

updated 2021-05-19 00:08:12 -0500

I have ROS2 foxy. I installed Navigation 2 and I didn't change any settings. When I start

ros2 launch nav2_bringup

It starts a service


How do I shutdown all the nodes in the lifecycle_manager_navigation and restart them backup?

Calling the service makes the Navigation 2 nodes unresponsive

ros2 service call /lifecycle_manager_navigation/manage_nodes nav2_msgs/srv/ManageLifecycleNodes "{command: 4}"

ros2 service call /lifecycle_manager_navigation/manage_nodes nav2_msgs/srv/ManageLifecycleNodes "{command: 0}"

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