cv_bridge node crashing with python3.8
Hi guys,
I am trying to use some yolov5 methods inside of a ros node. I am using cv_bridge to get the image to perform said yolov5 methods on. However, I am running into the following issue:
'ImportError: dynamic module does not define module export function (PyInit_cv_bridge_boost)'
I believe this is because cv_bridge uses python2.7 by default but I am trying to use python3.8 in order to use the yolov5 functionality.
I have googled and followed a whole of tutorials such as (using melodic and python3.8 though):
But the build always fails citing that g++ cant fins a 'pyconfig.h' file cant be found:
'pyconfig.h: No such file or directory'
Any help would be very much appreciated!
I am using ubuntu18.04 on a virtual machine as well as ros melodic