roslibpy messages not being processed by gazebo
I have a python script running in blender 2.83, which uses roslibpy 1.2 to connect and send a trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory to rosbridge_server
apparently I cannot generate a properly built message
I have a simulated robot arm in gazebo
rostopic pub /arm_controller/command trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory '{joint_names: ["joint_1","joint_2","jnt_3","joint_4", "joint_5", "joint_6"], points: [{positions:[0.1,-0.5,0.5,0.75,0.0,0.0], time_from_start: [1.0,0.0]}]}' -1
works as expected
rostopic echo /arm_controller/command
displays the messages and gazebo reproduces the motion
this is how i generate the message
# ...
msg = dict(header=roslibpy.Header(seq=i,, frame_id='base'),
joint_names=["joint_1","joint_2","joint_3","joint_4", "joint_5", "joint_6"],
points=[dict( positions=[1.0,0.0,2.0,0.0,1.0,1.0],
# velocities=[1,1,1,1,1,1], # accelerations=[], # effort=[],
time_from_start=[1.0,0.0])], )
rostopic echo /arm_controller/command
displays the messages again and, but gazebo is not moving the arm
if i remove the time stamp in the header of the message i get and error in gazebo so it seems to be reaching gazebo
any ideas? thanks a lot in advance
OS: ubuntu 18.04
Python version 3.7.4 (blender built-in)