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catkin_make toplevel.cmake in Yocto

asked 2021-02-05 03:46:14 -0500

ogd gravatar image

updated 2022-05-28 16:53:32 -0500

lucasw gravatar image

Hi guys,

I am trying to install ROS into an embedded device (imx8m-mini variscite dart) using Yocto. I have added required ROS packages into the Yocto environment and generated a root file system. I have sourced the setup.bash script in my bash environment and then when I do "catkin_make" I get an error like this,

 **Creating the toplevel cmake file failed: Could neither find file "toplevel.cmake" in any workspace nor relative, checked the following paths:**

As a result, the directories build, devel, and src are empty.

Do you have any idea to solve this problem?


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1 Answer

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answered 2021-02-05 13:22:22 -0500

ogd gravatar image

The problem is solved after adding below package into Yocto build


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Asked: 2021-02-05 03:40:47 -0500

Seen: 694 times

Last updated: May 28 '22