ros time stamps of multi hosts

asked 2021-01-28 05:32:17 -0500

jacki gravatar image

when i finished configuring connection between two hosts in LAN and use shared topics of ros ,there are some phenomenon that i can't explicitly understand.i admit that i forgot to configuring time synchronizing.then i directly use the two hosts to do some data collecting including gps_time(confirmed connected to gps) of two host's imu published by some nodes.afterwards i play the bag and echo the time stamps of the two topics(imu1 and imu2),their ros time have differences of 0.04s,it's obviously due to not setting synchronizing.however the gps time of the two imu is totaly the same,it seems two hosts have been synchroning or have delay less than 0.01s(gps_secend's precision).here i want to know and understand how did the time stamp been added to the different host using one roscore if there exists some transmission delay. i'll be glad if you can explain for me.

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