how to define a parameter in the launch file?
Hello, I have the following launch file, in which I am defining a parameter:
<arg name="coordinates_file" value="$(find pkg_name)/name_of_the_txt_file.txt"/>
<node pkg="pkg_name" type="ros_node_name" name="launch_file_name">
<rosparam file="$(arg coordinates_file)"/>
Also, I am reading the parameter as following in the ros_node:
ros::NodeHandle nh("~");
std::string param="waypoints_cordinates.txt";
std::string wp_file;
wp_file = nh.getParam("wp_file", param);
std::cout << "param1" << param << std::endl;
std::cout << "param" << wp_file << std::endl;
While doing roslaunch to the mentioned launch file, I am facing the following error:
RLException: error loading <rosparam> tag:
'param' attribute must be set for non-dictionary values
XML is <rosparam file="$(arg wp_file)"/>
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
Could you please help me in solving the problem? Did I miss any part of creating and reading a param?!