Autoware Auto: Unable to run the demo in lecture 1

asked 2020-11-25 20:04:51 -0500

blehmeh gravatar image

I am following Autoware Auto tutorial in YouTube. I tried running the demo shown in Tutorial.

These are the steps that I followed:

1.ade$ udpreplay ~/data/route_small_loop_rw- ->Worked

2.ade$ rviz2 -d /home/${USER}/autowareclass2020/code/src/01_DevelopmentEnvironment/aw_class2020.rviz -> rviz opened

3.ade$ ros2 run velodyne_node velodyne_cloud_node_exe __ns:=/lidar_front __params:=/home/${USER}/autowareclass2020/code/src/01_DevelopmentEnvironment/velodyne_node.param.yaml [--model vlp16] --> I added "--model vlp16" in the end because it kept asking me to specify the Velodyne model and I got the following displayed in my terminal:

1606352574.181658 [0] velodyne_c: using network interface eno1 (udp/ selected arbitrarily from: eno1, docker0

4.ade$ ros2 run robot_state_publisher robot_state_publisher /opt/AutowareAuto/share/lexus_rx_450h_description/urdf/lexus_rx_450h.urdf -> the lidar links were displayed in rviz with the following message : Initialize urdf model from file: /opt/AutowareAuto/share/lexus_rx_450h_description/urdf/lexus_rx_450h.urdf Parsing robot urdf xml string.

The root link base_link has an inertia specified in the URDF, but KDL does not support a root link with an inertia. As a workaround, you can add an extra dummy link to your URDF.

Link gnss had 0 children

Link imu had 0 children

Link lidar_front had 0 children

Link lidar_rear had 0 children

Link nav_base had 0 children

got segment base_link

got segment gnss

got segment imu

got segment lidar_front

got segment lidar_rear

got segment nav_base

1606352579.917495 [0] robot_stat: using network interface eno1 (udp/ selected arbitrarily from: eno1, docker0

Adding fixed segment from base_link to gnss

Adding fixed segment from base_link to imu

Adding fixed segment from base_link to lidar_front

Adding fixed segment from base_link to lidar_rear

Adding fixed segment from base_link to nav_base

  1. when I executed the next 3 commands, I could find no change as shown in the video except for this message: 1606352586.894922 [0] point_clou: using network interface eno1 (udp/ selected arbitrarily from: eno1, docker0

Can someone please help me with this?

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