[foxy] Is there any equivalent of matrix transformations for tf2 in ros 2 ?
In Ros1 you could use functions from these imports:
from tf_matrix_ops import tf_to_matrix, matrix_to_tf
from tf.transformations import decompose_matrix
where you could transform tf to matrix then multiply them, take the inverse or extract informations from them.
I have a code sample that do the following and I would like to know if it is possible to do the same with ros2 and tf 2:
m1 = tf_to_matrix(tf1)
m2 = tf_to_matrix(tf2)
delta = np.matmul(m1, np.linalg.inv(m2))
scale, shear, angles, t, perspective = decompose_matrix(delta)
I think the tf_matrix_ops and tf.transformations are not available in ros2 (or at least i did not find them) so maybe there is a new way to do this kind of thing ?