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system design books with ROS or general robotics

asked 2020-09-09 15:34:25 -0600

mugetsu gravatar image

As an end user I feel like a lot of my understanding and execution of system design is guided or mandated by ROS and the package that I use. While that level of abstraction is very helpful to get someone up and running without complicating the details, I'd like to learn more about software system design and become capable of coming up with my own.

I'd like a resource to learn about all the topic a robotic system engineer will have to consider in architecting a robot for a set of requirements. What are some considerations? Tradeoffs? Different approaches with pros/cons? Etc. This is really regardless of ROS.

There's an abundance of books on this topic in the realm of webdev but I haven't really seen or found any for robotics. Any one have some suggestions?

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answered 2020-09-09 17:49:01 -0600

Geoff gravatar image

Robotics is an amalgamation of several fields of engineering. You need to look for books on things like real-time system design, distributed system design, embedded system design, and so on.

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Yes, this.

This is slowly changing (as in: books with special attention for the challenges in robotics are starting to appear), but you don't have to wait for those. There is certainly material for real-time and safety-critical systems, distributed control systems, etc.

And that's only considering the "control side" of robotics. As @Geoff already mentions, there are many other fields involved in robotics, each of which has their version of system-level design.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2020-09-09 23:19:06 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2020-09-09 15:34:25 -0600

Seen: 225 times

Last updated: Sep 09 '20