ROS2 - Lag when topics are subscribed

asked 2020-09-03 00:51:30 -0500

kk2105 gravatar image

Hey Guys,

Is there any lag when the ros2 topic is subscribed? For example I am trying to do the below.

I have family of ros2 node (Application_ROS) which subscribes/publishes topic_1, topic_2, topic_3, topic_4. And I have one more ros2 node visualizer_node (isolated) for visualization purpose which subscribes topic_2 and topic_3.

There is no delay whenever I run Application_ROS without visualizer_node.
However if I run Application_ROS with visualizer_node there is a lag in the Application_ROS.

Thank you,

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Hello, may I know is the visualizer_node run on a different machine?

Have you solved your issue eventually?

BCJ gravatar image BCJ  ( 2022-12-15 19:12:10 -0500 )edit