override default obstacle avoidance in turtlebot navigation
I have built an obstacle avoidance algorithm based on 3D optical flow via PointCloud on a TurtleBot platform. I would like to test it with the navigation stack but the obstacle avoidance is already implemented by default. I would like the robot to ignore the obstacles that are not on the map. Can I remove the automatic obstacle avoidance or deactivate it to plug in my node (or code) ? That would be of great help, since I don't have much time to write by myself whole global and local planners. If I set the static_map parameter of local_costmap_params.yaml to true, will it do the trick ? Thank you for your suggestions.
3D optical flow is interesting... could you make the code available for people to use.
I cannot release my code for now, it's still in development, but I will as soon as I finish my project.