help with global_costmap parameters
I created my own global planner as a plugin ros, for now, it generates a simple straight line to the goal point and will not take into account any obstacles. The local planner should try to walk that straight line. However, my global planner must generate this line in the odometry frame, it will not be necessary a map or the AMCL node. What would be the correct way to initialize the global_costmap.yaml parameters?
global_frame: /odom
robot_base_frame: /base_footprint
*case description:
I know a destination point that is X meters away from the center of the robot(base_footprint). I want to trace a trajectory (without considering any obstacles) and I want ROS to drive the robot through the created trajectory. I had thought of creating a global planner, but maybe there is a better way. Any suggestion?
thank you