moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander() hangs [closed]
Creating an new instance with = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander(self.move_group) hangs on one machine.
self.move_group = "arm" which existst. If set it to a nonexisting group the python script throws an exception.
If I use the dbugger to step through I can see that line 50 in causes the hang:
-> = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander(self.move_group)
(Pdb) s
> /opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moveit_commander/
-> def __init__(self, name, robot_description="robot_description", ns=""):
(Pdb) s
> /opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moveit_commander/
-> self._g = _moveit_move_group_interface.MoveGroupInterface(name, robot_description, ns)
(Pdb) s
I have the following packages installed. Strangely this code works on another machine with the same packages but in version 1.0.2.
ii ros-melodic-moveit 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.155249 amd64 Meta package that contains all essential package of MoveIt!.
ii ros-melodic-moveit-commander 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.153046 amd64 Python interfaces to MoveIt
ii ros-melodic-moveit-core 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.140746 amd64 Core libraries used by MoveIt!
ii ros-melodic-moveit-fake-controller-manager 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.145019 amd64 A fake controller manager plugin for MoveIt.
ii ros-melodic-moveit-kinematics 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.144820 amd64 Package for all inverse kinematics solvers in MoveIt!
ii ros-melodic-moveit-msgs 0.10.1-1bionic.20200530.103648 amd64 Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt
ii ros-melodic-moveit-planners 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.153600 amd64 Metapacakge that installs all available planners for MoveIt
ii ros-melodic-moveit-planners-chomp 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.153132 amd64 The interface for using CHOMP within MoveIt!
ii ros-melodic-moveit-planners-ompl 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.145002 amd64 MoveIt! interface to OMPL
ii ros-melodic-moveit-plugins 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.145940 amd64 Metapackage for MoveIt! plugins.
ii ros-melodic-moveit-ros 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.154314 amd64 Components of MoveIt! that use ROS
ii ros-melodic-moveit-ros-benchmarks 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.150353 amd64 Enhanced tools for benchmarks in MoveIt!
ii ros-melodic-moveit-ros-control-interface 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.143547 amd64 ros_control controller manager interface for MoveIt!
ii ros-melodic-moveit-ros-manipulation 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.151101 amd64 Components of MoveIt! used for manipulation
ii ros-melodic-moveit-ros-move-group 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.145908 amd64 The move_group node for MoveIt
ii ros-melodic-moveit-ros-occupancy-map-monitor 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.142457 amd64 Components of MoveIt! connecting to occupancy map
ii ros-melodic-moveit-ros-perception 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.150601 amd64 Components of MoveIt! connecting to perception
ii ros-melodic-moveit-ros-planning 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.143149 amd64 Planning components of MoveIt! that use ROS
ii ros-melodic-moveit-ros-planning-interface 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.152153 amd64 Components of MoveIt! that offer simpler interfaces to planning and execution
ii ros-melodic-moveit-ros-robot-interaction 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.144830 amd64 Components of MoveIt! that offer interaction via interactive markers
ii ros-melodic-moveit-ros-visualization 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.153131 amd64 Components of MoveIt! that offer visualization
ii ros-melodic-moveit-ros-warehouse 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.145040 amd64 Components of MoveIt! connecting to MongoDB
ii ros-melodic-moveit-runtime 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.153714 amd64 moveit_runtime meta package contains MoveIt! packages that are essential for its runtime (e.g.
ii ros-melodic-moveit-setup-assistant 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601.154243 amd64 Generates a configuration package that makes it easy to use MoveIt!
ii ros-melodic-moveit-simple-controller-manager 1.0.4-1bionic.20200601 ...
The root cause was that sim_time was set on the real robotic system.