Does rviz run properly on a virtual machine? I followed all instructions but the display is just a blank screen.
Can anyone verify whether rviz absolutely doesn't work on a virtual machine or not? I am using ROS Diamondback and a Kinect camera (whose drivers have been installed properly. Thanks.
EDIT Hi, I am using VMware Player, and my local machine is Windows 7 (64 bit).
I will put some more details about how I am trying to hook up Kinect. I am following instructions from this link:
To be specific, I am having issues with Step 4 in the link above. For example, for this command:
roslaunch openni_camera openni_node.launch
The terminal window notifies that is looking for a device, and when I plug in my Kinect, it detects it. So I can assume that this is working?
I then do: rosrun rviz rviz And the rviz GUI opens up. I set up and PointCloud 2 display and change all the parameters as mentioned, even changing the background to grey, but then the screen just shows grey colour, and no video feed from the Kinect camera. And the status is "Warning". And the .Global Status is "OK".
Sorry for a very long and confusing post. But I am really new to ROS and I have had a lot of trouble trying to configure SLAM in it.
Thanks for reading.
What is the warning that shows up in the PointCloud2 Display?