Set dynamically reconfigurable parameters when message arrives
Hello dear ROS developers,
I have a possibly easily solvable question. I want to listen/subscribe to a topic (let's say LaserScan) and every time a message is arriving, I want to set/get dynamically reconfigurable parameters of a node (let's say speed parameters of nav stack) in the callback function. I assume that this can be accomplished using the Dynamic Reconfigure Python Client, is that right?
As far as I understood, this Tutorial covers other things as it isn't subscribing to a topic.
Can you give me a minimal working example in Python, because I am a little bit confused about having two callback functions then, one for the subscribed topic and one for the dynamic_reconfigure client?
I would like to do something like this:
import rospy
import dynamic_reconfigure.client
rospy.Subscriber("/scan", LaserScan, callback)
client = dynamic_reconfigure.client.Client("dwa_local_planner", timeout=30)
def callback(laser):
if laser.range_min > 0.3:
v = 1; a = 1
v = 1.5; a = 1.5
client.update_configuration({"max_vel_x": v, "acc_lim_x": a}) # leave other params unchanged
I would appreciate every help and hint, thanks guys.