Profiling python code with valgrind produces empty log file
Hi all,
I am running 12 ROS nodes (ROS kinetic) and starting the system with a roslaunch file. I would like to profile one of the nodes, while the whol system is running. From my search it seems that I can use valgrind.
I set the roslaunch file as below (as shown here):
<param name="use_sim_time" value="true"/>
<arg name="seedval"/>
<param name="seed" value="$(arg seedval)"/>
<group ns="robot1">
<node pkg="pkg_name" name="agent" type="" launch-prefix="valgrind --tool=callgrind --separate-threads=yes --callgrind-out-file='callgrind.sim1.%p'">
<param name="myID" value="1"/>
I build the package in debug mode like so:
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
Now from what I have read, valgrind will dump the data when the program terminates. And the issue might lie here, because the nodes exit with sys.exit(), raising a SystemExit exception. I have tried adding the --dump-before=function option, but to no avail:
launch-prefix="valgrind --tool=callgrind --dump-before=name_of_function_as_in_script --separate-threads=yes --callgrind-out-file='callgrind.sim1.%p'"
Any ideas, I am not quite sure how to proceed.
Do you mean you don't have the file
?Also I'm not sure that vallgrind can be used with python as it's said in the introduction of the tutorial :
Hi, I get the file, but it is empty. From here it seems I might have to do compile python itself in debug mode, such that it is valgrind friendly.