remap does not affect subscription addresses?
I was expecting <remap> to affect the relatively addressed subscriptions of a node, but it doesn't seem to.
<node name="publiser" pkg="hwu_meta_data" type=""/>
<!-- the following subscriber does not hear the publisher because it's
in the wrong namespace -->
<node ns="subnamespace2" name="ns_subscriber" pkg="hwu_meta_data"
type="" output="screen"/>
<!-- the remap moves BOTH the node AND its associated meta_data -->
<!-- NOTE: it seems the chatter topic subscribed to by remapped_ns_subcriber is not remapped so this does not receive delivery -->
<remap from="subnamespace3" to="/"/>
<node ns="subnamespace3" name="remapped_ns_subcriber"
pkg="hwu_meta_data" type="" output="screen"/>
Is that deliberate or am I doing something wrong? (the publisher and subscriber implementations are essentially identical to the beginner tutorials)