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Incorrect Gmapping

asked 2012-05-22 10:31:22 -0500

TaylorC gravatar image

updated 2012-05-23 10:17:08 -0500

Eric Perko gravatar image

MY turtlebot can map straight hallways but has trouble mapping while turning. I have tried mapping the corridor between cubicles at work (small spaces!) as well as cubicles. It maps the corridor fine but cannot map the cubicles. Instead of turning out as box shaped, they turn out like a multitude of corners forming a sphere.

Also when it turns around to come back down the corridor it acts as if it is a second corridor. I have changed my gyro_measurement_range to 250 since my turtlebot is from Clearpath and have ran the calibrations as well as changing them internally.

My guess is that the lag is affecting how it updates the map and is causing it to be extremely incorrect. Any thoughts or ideas?

turtlebot@turtlebot:~/rosbagfiles$ rosbag info 2012-05-23-08-17-03.bagpath:        2012-05-23-08-17-03.bag
version:     2.0
duration:    4:49s (289s)
start:       May 23 2012 08:17:04.90 (1337779024.90)
end:         May 23 2012 08:21:54.14 (1337779314.14)
size:        34.9 MB
messages:    60655
compression: none [46/46 chunks]
types:       actionlib_msgs/GoalStatusArray          [8b2b82f13216d0a8ea88bd3af735e619]
             app_manager/AppList                     [8a71ede6bf51909653c7c551f462cb30]
             bond/Status                             [eacc84bf5d65b6777d4c50f463dfb9c8]
             diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray         [3cfbeff055e708a24c3d946a5c8139cd]
             diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus        [67d15a62edb26e9d52b0f0efa3ef9da7]
             dynamic_reconfigure/Config              [be5ce5fa8101a5199199ac5a9b231457]
             dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription   [5f0f929417f58ac7f30dfdd9e4d40ef2]
             geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped            [c6be8f7dc3bee7fe9e8d296070f53340]
             geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped [953b798c0f514ff060a53a3498ce6246]
             geometry_msgs/Twist                     [9f195f881246fdfa2798d1d3eebca84a]
             nav_msgs/GridCells                      [b9e4f5df6d28e272ebde00a3994830f5]
             nav_msgs/MapMetaData                    [10cfc8a2818024d3248802c00c95f11b]
             nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid                  [3381f2d731d4076ec5c71b0759edbe4e]
             nav_msgs/Odometry                       [cd5e73d190d741a2f92e81eda573aca7]
             rosgraph_msgs/Log                       [acffd30cd6b6de30f120938c17c593fb]
             sensor_msgs/CameraInfo                  [c9a58c1b0b154e0e6da7578cb991d214]
             sensor_msgs/Imu                         [6a62c6daae103f4ff57a132d6f95cec2]
             sensor_msgs/JointState                  [3066dcd76a6cfaef579bd0f34173e9fd]
             sensor_msgs/Joy                         [5a9ea5f83505693b71e785041e67a8bb]
             sensor_msgs/LaserScan                   [90c7ef2dc6895d81024acba2ac42f369]
             tf/tfMessage                            [94810edda583a504dfda3829e70d7eec]
             turtlebot_node/LaptopChargeStatus       [201bffbb268bdae8f8389acae4ae6db2]
             turtlebot_node/TurtlebotSensorState     [d8f8ec7fa031fc9cc88e8319cd08a785]
topics:      /camera/depth/camera_info                                       4 msgs    : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo                 
             /camera/depth/image/compressed/parameter_descriptions           5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription  
             /camera/depth/image/compressed/parameter_updates                5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/Config             
             /camera/depth/image/theora/parameter_descriptions               5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription  
             /camera/depth/image/theora/parameter_updates                    5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/Config             
             /camera/depth/image_raw/compressed/parameter_descriptions       5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription  
             /camera/depth/image_raw/compressed/parameter_updates            5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/Config             
             /camera/depth/image_raw/theora/parameter_descriptions           5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription  
             /camera/depth/image_raw/theora/parameter_updates                5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/Config             
             /camera/rgb/camera_info                                         5 msgs    : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo                 
             /camera/rgb/image_color/compressed/parameter_descriptions       5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription  
             /camera/rgb/image_color/compressed/parameter_updates            5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/Config             
             /camera/rgb/image_color/theora/parameter_descriptions           5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription  
             /camera/rgb/image_color/theora/parameter_updates                5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/Config             
             /camera/rgb/image_mono/compressed/parameter_descriptions        5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription  
             /camera/rgb/image_mono/compressed/parameter_updates             5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/Config             
             /camera/rgb/image_mono/theora/parameter_descriptions            5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription  
             /camera/rgb/image_mono/theora/parameter_updates                 5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/Config             
             /camera/rgb/image_raw/compressed/parameter_descriptions         5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription  
             /camera/rgb/image_raw/compressed/parameter_updates              5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/Config             
             /camera/rgb/image_raw/theora/parameter_descriptions             5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription  
             /camera/rgb/image_raw/theora/parameter_updates                  5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/Config             
             /cmd_vel                                                     1542 msgs    : geometry_msgs/Twist                    
             /diagnostics                                                 1893 msgs    : diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray         (3 connections)
             /diagnostics_agg                                              288 msgs    : diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray        
             /diagnostics_toplevel_state                                   289 msgs    : diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus       
             /imu/data                                                    8674 msgs    : sensor_msgs/Imu                        
             /imu/raw                                                     8674 msgs    : sensor_msgs/Imu                        
             /joint_states                                                 283 msgs    : sensor_msgs/JointState                 
             /joy                                                        11138 msgs    : sensor_msgs/Joy                        
             /kinect_laser/parameter_descriptions                            5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription  
             /kinect_laser/parameter_updates                                 5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/Config             
             /kinect_laser_narrow/parameter_descriptions                     5 msgs    : dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription ...
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Also I am using Electric and keeping the speed at 0.3/straight 1/turn

TaylorC gravatar image TaylorC  ( 2012-05-22 10:51:19 -0500 )edit

Could you post a link to a bagfile that reproduces this error? If you record all of the data and build the map offline, do you have this same problem?

Eric Perko gravatar image Eric Perko  ( 2012-05-22 11:26:36 -0500 )edit

Make sure that you also include the /odom and /odom_combined topics in your bag. To me it looks like rotation is not handled correctly, Maybe a problem with your gyro.

Lorenz gravatar image Lorenz  ( 2012-05-23 02:21:08 -0500 )edit

What are your current calibration values?

Ryan gravatar image Ryan  ( 2012-05-23 03:59:14 -0500 )edit

Updated my original post. Eric I do not know how to build the map offline using the data. I assume the command is similar to gmapping_demo?

TaylorC gravatar image TaylorC  ( 2012-05-23 04:02:27 -0500 )edit

Ryan - Current calibration values are <param name="turtlebot_node/gyro_scale_correction" value="1.141715" /> <param name="turtlebot_node/odom_angular_scale_correction" value="0.935877" />

TaylorC gravatar image TaylorC  ( 2012-05-23 04:05:00 -0500 )edit

I think this is either too much system load or wrong rotation information in odo and would guess that it is the second. Perform Test 1 here to verify:

dornhege gravatar image dornhege  ( 2012-05-23 04:33:53 -0500 )edit

dornhege - Yea it is not matching up, not to mention there is an extreme case of lag.

TaylorC gravatar image TaylorC  ( 2012-05-23 05:20:04 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2012-05-25 10:50:14 -0500

TaylorC gravatar image

I added this line of code into etc/ros/electric/turtlebot.launch :

"< param name="turtlebot_node/gyro_measurement_range" value="250"/>"

I then calibrated it within Rviz while running the gmapping_demo by using the dynamic reconfigure gui and "eyeballing" it. The code to run the gui (for reference purposes) is (in the workstation terminal):

"rosrun dynamic_reconfigure reconfigure_gui"

*Still no idea why it worked without gmapping and not in gmapping until this change.

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How did you manually calibrate the turtlebot in rviz I think I have a similar problem.

Rydel gravatar image Rydel  ( 2012-06-06 05:22:01 -0500 )edit

Place a unique object in front of the robot and open up gmapping_demo (follow the gmapping tutorial for turtlebots). Then up the length of time the laser scan holds data (in Rviz > the laser scan > decay time) to 20-30s. Rotate in place 720 degrees and see if the laser scans overlap correctly. ....

TaylorC gravatar image TaylorC  ( 2012-06-07 04:09:01 -0500 )edit

If the overlay doesn't match up then adjust the calibration parameters by using the command "rosrun dynamic_reconfigure reconfigure_gui" in a workstation terminal WHILE Rviz is running. Go into the turtlebot_node and alter the gyro calibrations then exit the gui and try the rotation again.....

TaylorC gravatar image TaylorC  ( 2012-06-07 04:11:22 -0500 )edit

Rinse and repeat until it is accurate. If you are having lag issues then turn off the map, tf, obstacles, etc objects.

TaylorC gravatar image TaylorC  ( 2012-06-07 04:12:33 -0500 )edit
weiin gravatar image weiin  ( 2012-06-13 22:55:43 -0500 )edit

Question Tools


Asked: 2012-05-22 10:31:22 -0500

Seen: 750 times

Last updated: May 25 '12