ROS with Python 3.5 in virtual environment
Hello, I'm using with ROS kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04.
As far as I know, almost all the packages of ROS only are supported by Python 2.7.
But I recently created virtual Python 3.5 environment and make it run roscore
I also checked it also can import rospy
In fact, I'm planning to publish sensor data from python 2.7 env to 3.5 env.
As I've heared the virtual environment is the isolated, I'm afraid I can't.
So I thought that, to run all the node filed in Python 3.5 virtual environment since I just can run roscore
in that env.
Unfortunately, I do not have that packages in my hand now so I can't check it right now...
Anyway, would my idea make sense?
If anyone who've worked in Python3 env, would you please give me a helpful advice?
Thanks in advance :)