Subscriber not receiving large char arrays using ros2 messages?!
When the char array is small (<100 000 KB) then the subscriber receives the message (type UInt8MultiArray). Is there a size limit to ros2 messages? How do we change the QOS settings for better message transport?
I am sending an array the size of 5 MB per message. Not sure which QoS I am using. I think it is the default implementation. I think I am using Fast RTPS
Please edit your question to give us enough information to reproduce what you're doing. What size you're actually sending. What QoS are you using? What implementation? Without all that we're kind of guessing in the dark at what your problem is.
I am sending an array the size of 5 MB per message. Not sure which QoS I am using. I think it is the default implementation. I think I am using Fast RTPS