Converting Collada to URDF
Hi all,
I know that there is a handy urdf-to-collada utility, collada_urdf; however, I am looking to go the other way around. Is there an existing utility to do this?
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Hi all,
I know that there is a handy urdf-to-collada utility, collada_urdf; however, I am looking to go the other way around. Is there an existing utility to do this?
As far as I know, currently there are no collada->urdf convert software, however robot_model (ROS robot description library) support collada format, thus most of tools can use collada file as well as urdf file. See
There is a Matlab based dynamics package we developed in-house at MIT and we recently made it use URDF by default. The collada file - I don't think I can post it because I had to agree to a license to get access to the WRL file. I could point you to the license page, though, if you are interested...
It looks like this was not only talked about, but actually implemented at some point. I agree it would be a very useful and probably widely used tool.
The ticket was marked as fixed, yet I haven't seen anything on it since.
Is anybody maintaining it?
Asked: 2012-05-17 04:08:10 -0500
Seen: 1,547 times
Last updated: Aug 15 '12
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Are you trying to just convert a single object, or multiple objects with joints, etc?
It's a biped humanoid robot (HRP4C)