How to control Faulhaber AES-4096 Motor by using ROS_CANopen?
Hello everyone, I'd like to control (initialize and send can messages) to the Faulhaber motors.
I've downloaded the ros_canopen package and I've build it successfully in ubuntu kinetic OS.
I've run in cmd the following commands: 1)sudo modprobe peak_usb 2)sudo modprobe peak_pci 3)sudo modprobe pcan 4)sudo modprobe esd_usb2 5)sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000 in the first cmd window.
the following command: 1) rosrun socketcan_bridge socketcan_bridge_node in a second cmd window
and: 1)rostopic echo /received_messages in a last cmd window.
I try to use the frames to initiate the motors. I'm not sure though how I can send the messages in the can.
I've tried: -cansend can0 (123#1122334455667788) can_id#data format for the frame but in the third cmd window the received message is not right.
In the data field I send the bytes in HEX, in the way I want the motors to receive them, but the data are returned differently. The motors aren't initiated.
So, here are my questions:
1) Are EDS/DCF files necessary for only the motor?
2) Can anyone guide me so that I can send the frame message correctly?
3) What would be and how could I send the header?
4)Is a mask already by default running? If so, how do I have to send the data to initiate the motor?
5)Finally, the"", I know is the default value, but shouldn't I receive the frame I sent?
Thank you!
Thank you in advance! :)
it would help readers here to know which particular errors you saw.
@gvdhoorn the errors were: ERROR: state=1 internal_error=0('OK') asio: system:0 ERROR: state=2 internal_error=0('OK') asio: system:0
This is not for me specifically. It's for people reading your question.
Please also copy-paste the errors verbatim into your original question. Use the
button/link for that.