How to read rosparam in a launch file
I am aiming to write a bag recording launch script for two same robots with different storage configuration, hence the stored location for the robots will be different.
The robots name are in rosparam. How do I read the publishing /robot_name in a launch script and then do a if statement to change my current recording node .
<group if="$(eval arg('robot_name') == robot_name_rosparam)">
<node pkg="rosbag" type="record" args="record -o /directory /topics">
#q213145 is dealing with something similar, take a look and see if that's what you are trying to do.
@Choco93, I did check that answer when I was searching. It is for loading yaml file to set rosparameter. In my case, the rosparam is already set, I wish to read its value.