Is there a moveit package that will print me out the IK and FK equations from a URDF?
I would like to get the full IK and FK equations for a new robot design, which is not the same as any existing robot i.e. I cannot just use an existing solution.
I have been working the equations by hand, drawing kinematic diagrams and constructing the homogeneous transformation matrices etc, when someone mentioned that using a URDF and 'a moveit package' would allow me to solve the IK and FK without doing any of the analysis. I have seen the IK Fast and Trac-IK solvers, but have not been able to tell if they can give me the output I need or if they just communicate somehow with ROS in the background.
The output I need is a printout of the full equations, to be used / pasted (with any necessary code modifications made by myself) in a c file used without ROS. Is this possible?