How to view map regions with large coordinate values using rviz?
I am experimenting with Open Street Map, and want to visualize my data using rviz
The problem is that the natural coordinate system to use is UTM, which tends to generate rather large offsets, like (622191, 3362020), from the /map origin.
There must be some way to shift the rviz
view from (0, 0) to (622191, 3362020), but I have not discovered a reasonable solution. On Fuerte, I was able to save a view, then edit the .vcg
file to fill in the desired coordinates. Messy, but it worked. On Electric, I can't even get that to work.
Surely there is a better approach?
The coordinate frame for saving view pose changed between Electric and Fuerte. Fuerte uses a frame consistent with the rest of rviz, where X and Y are on the ground plane and +Z is up. I think Electric used the typical Ogre frame, where +Y is up, but there were bugs which lead to inconsistencies.