Visual Servoing for Image with lines
Dear ROS community,
I want to ask one question regarding visual servoing in ros,
I have an image with all parameters such as extrinsic and intrinsic parameter so I want to use visual servoing in term of image-based visual servoing, so could you give me some idea so I can do my task,
As prior knowledge, there is some concept to do but I stuck in between
Please help me to figure out this problem
I really appreciate if someone can help me
Thanks a lot
Now I want to use image-based visual servoing to calculate the eular angles, I know there a lot of functionalities in open CV but there is a problem.
- How to reduce error in visual servoing?
- Is it possible to use IBVS for lanes to calculate the angles such as pitch, yaw & roll?
- Is there any opensource platform for visual servoing?
Can you tell us a bit more about what you're trying to achieve, and what you've tried so far? Are you controlling a rover, drone or an arm? what type of visual image are you trying to track?
So you have a camera and an object you want to pick? Is the orientation of the object varying a lot?
In general, you should have a model of your object. With the help of the model you can estimate the pose of the object you want to grab. Are you stuck there? I can remember, that openCV covers that functionalities.
There is an open source library called Visp which provides all the basic functions and examples to perform visual servoing. To compute the angles, if you have a model of the object you are looking at, you'd be able to compute it's pose. In order to reduce the error, there are several things, but the most important are: how much part of the image does your feature cover? (the more, the better). If you need precision with the pose, having more features, usually would lead to a better estimation (in case of occlusion, etc.)