How to publish waypoints with Pose on Ros?
Good afternoon, I recently started working with Ros. I am working with the quadcopter. I'm making him follow several waypoints and per socket he goes normally. But when I change communication to ROS it doesn't work. Even creating publisher and subscriber. How do I publish waypoints for the quadcopter to identify and follow the route, just like in socket?
I am using Pose and Waypoint as Ros.
def where_is(agentPose_stream):
pose = agentPose_stream.get()
return pose
def frighten_mouse():
rate = rospy.Rate(2) # Hz
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
for i in range(len(arx)):
p = Pose()
p.position.x = arx[i]
p.position.y = ary[i]
p.position.z = arz[i],