How to load an asdf system and run a lisp file within a launch file?
I followed ControllingTurtlesimFromLisp.
I open emacs and I use "rosrun" to open "turtlesim". Then I use asdf system to control my turtle.
I need to run a robot system which is opened by "roslaunch", but I can't open emacs by "roslaunch" to load asdf system and lisp file to control my turtle.
So I think I should not use emacs. Now I think I need to load an asdf system and run a lisp file within a launch file.
But how to run a lisp file and load an asdf system within a launch file?
My package name is "flower_cram_turtlesim_control". I made a flower_cram_turtlesim_control.asd in this package. I made a flower_cram_turtlesim_control.lisp in src. I add
rospack_add_lisp_executable(bin/turtle_controller flower-cram-system flower_cram_turtlesim_control:main)
in my CMakeLists.txt.
After "rosmake", I tried executing it, but it didn't work. Here is the error message:
flower@flower:~/ros/flower_cram_turtlesim_control/bin$ ./turtle_controller
Roslisp exiting due to condition: SB-INT:SIMPLE-READER-PACKAGE-ERROR at 34 (line 1, column 34) on #<SB-IMPL::STRING-INPUT-STREAM
What should I do?