bag_to_pcd Frame Id
I'm processing a kinect point cloud with Electric + Ubuntu 11.10. I've recorded a .bag file with the topics /tf & /camera/depth/points. Using "rosbag play", rviz shows a beautiful point cloud.
I'm trying to convert the individual point clouds to pcd format so I can process them with PCL. Initially, I got this error. So, I followed the response to that question and ran:
rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 base_link openni_camera 100
While I re-recorded the data in hopes of making bag_to_pcd happy. Sadly, when I run
rosrun pcl_ros bag_to_pcd data6_2012_05_01.bag /camera/depth/points d6_expand/
I now get:
"Saving recorded sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 messages on topic /camera/depth/points to d6_expand/
Frame /base_link exists with parent NO_PARENT.
Segmentation fault"
How can I make bag_to_pcd happy? Should I attempt to change the bag_to_pcd code? Specifically,
pcl_ros::transformPointCloud ("/base_link", *cloud, cloud_t, tf_listener);
& if I should change it what should it be? Would
pcl_ros::transformPointCloud ("/tf", *cloud, cloud_t, tf_listener);
work? I'm a new to ROS so I don't fully understand what is going on yet. This seems to be a reoccurring issue on both the ROS questions and PCL users lists so I'd love to get fixed.
Thanks for you help!