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Emergency error of Schunk PG70

asked 2019-07-11 04:39:05 -0500

verena gravatar image


I want to move a PG70 gripper together with a LWA4P using:


  • Schunk LWA4P
  • Schunk PG70-plus


  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • ROS kinetic
  • ros_canopen

I am perfectly able to move the LWA4P, but when I try to move the gripper nothing happens and after a while the gripper node has an emergency error.

This is the output of the topic /diagnostics:

level: 2
name: "rh_arm/driver: rh_arm_finger_left_joint"
message: "Motor has fault; Node has emergency error"
hardware_id: "none"
    key: "error_register"
    value: "35"
    key: "errors"
    value: "2350#df"

This is my terminal output:

    ... logging to /home/pem-robot/.ros/log/73c31b08-a3bc-11e9-ad01-2087563168c2/roslaunch-pemrobot-SIMATIC-IPC427E-1988.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

xacro: Traditional processing is deprecated. Switch to --inorder processing!
To check for compatibility of your document, use option --check-order.
For more infos, see is deprecated; please use xacro instead
started roslaunch server http://pemrobot-SIMATIC-IPC427E:38445/


 * /lh_arm/driver/
 * /mobile_base/
 * /rh_arm/driver/
 * /torso/torso_driver/

 * /joint_state_mixer/robot_description: <?xml version="1....
 * /lh_arm/driver/bus/device: can2
 * /lh_arm/driver/defaults/dcf_overlay/604Csub1: 1
 * /lh_arm/driver/defaults/dcf_overlay/604Csub2: 24000
 * /lh_arm/driver/defaults/dcf_overlay/6060: 1
 * /lh_arm/driver/defaults/eds_file: config/Schunk_0_6...
 * /lh_arm/driver/defaults/eds_pkg: pem_arm_lh
 * /lh_arm/driver/defaults/vel_to_device: rint(rad2deg(vel)...
 * /lh_arm/driver/name: arm
 * /lh_arm/driver/nodes/lh_arm_0_joint/id: 10
 * /lh_arm/driver/nodes/lh_arm_1_joint/id: 5
 * /lh_arm/driver/nodes/lh_arm_2_joint/id: 6
 * /lh_arm/driver/nodes/lh_arm_3_joint/id: 3
 * /lh_arm/driver/nodes/lh_arm_4_joint/id: 4
 * /lh_arm/driver/sync/interval_ms: 50
 * /lh_arm/driver/sync/overflow: 0
 * /lh_arm/hardware_control_loop/loop_hz: 125
 * /lh_arm/hardware_interface/joints: ['lh_arm_0_joint'...
 * /lh_arm/joint_state_controller/publish_rate: 50
 * /lh_arm/joint_state_controller/type: joint_state_contr...
 * /lh_arm/pos_based_pos_traj_controller_arm_lh/joints: ['lh_arm_0_joint'...
 * /lh_arm/pos_based_pos_traj_controller_arm_lh/publish_rate: 50
 * /lh_arm/pos_based_pos_traj_controller_arm_lh/required_drive_mode: 7
 * /lh_arm/pos_based_pos_traj_controller_arm_lh/type: position_controll...
 * /lh_arm/robot_description: <?xml version="1....
 * /mobile_base/back/sick_tim571_back/frame_id: laser_back
 * /mobile_base/back/sick_tim571_back/hostname:
 * /mobile_base/back/sick_tim571_back/max_ang: 1.0
 * /mobile_base/back/sick_tim571_back/min_ang: -1.0
 * /mobile_base/back/sick_tim571_back/port: 2112
 * /mobile_base/back/sick_tim571_back/range_max: 25.0
 * /mobile_base/back/sick_tim571_back/timelimit: 5
 * /mobile_base/driver/bus/device: can0
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/dcf_overlay/1016sub0: 0x1
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/dcf_overlay/1016sub1: 0x007f00c8
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/dcf_overlay/1017: 0x0032
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/dcf_overlay/1400sub2: 0x1
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/dcf_overlay/1600sub0: 0x2
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/dcf_overlay/1600sub1: 0x60400010
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/dcf_overlay/1600sub2: 0x60ff0020
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/dcf_overlay/1800sub2: 0x1
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/dcf_overlay/1801sub2: 0x1
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/dcf_overlay/1a00sub0: 0x1
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/dcf_overlay/1a00sub1: 0x60410010
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/dcf_overlay/1a01sub0: 0x2
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/dcf_overlay/1a01sub1: 0x606c0020
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/dcf_overlay/1a01sub2: 0x60640020
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/eds_file: config/CANeds-Gol...
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/eds_pkg: pem_robot_mobile_...
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/pos_from_device: obj6064*2*3.14/60...
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/pos_to_device: rint(pos*50.0*60....
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/vel_from_device: obj606C*2.0*3.14/...
 * /mobile_base/driver/defaults/vel_to_device: rint(vel*50.0*60....
 * /mobile_base/driver/heartbeat/msg: 77f#05
 * /mobile_base/driver/heartbeat/rate: 20
 * /mobile_base/driver/name: motor ...
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1 Answer

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answered 2019-07-11 07:19:57 -0500

Mathias Lüdtke gravatar image

updated 2019-07-12 16:09:08 -0500

From diagnostics:

key: "errors"
value: "2350#df"

23xx errors are related to the current ("Current, device output side"). This protects your devices from overheating. Perhaps your payload is too high or the drives are somehow broken. Better ask Schunk directly.

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I get the error in "gripper/driver: motor". That is

level: 0
name: "gripper/driver: motor"
message: ' '
hardware_id: "none"
       key: "error_register"
       value: "32"
       key: "errors"
       value: ' '

How can I know from where I am getting this error while this one has no error code. ?

k5519995 gravatar image k5519995  ( 2019-07-12 10:44:17 -0500 )edit

Not all errors get signaled via EMCY. In addtion, ros_canopen resets 0x1003 ("errors") on init and recover.

Mathias Lüdtke gravatar image Mathias Lüdtke  ( 2019-07-12 16:15:37 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2019-07-11 04:39:05 -0500

Seen: 353 times

Last updated: Jul 12 '19