How to use service defined at another ROS Master?

asked 2019-06-26 06:07:46 -0500

kump gravatar image

updated 2019-06-26 06:11:35 -0500

I'm using the Multimaster FKIE package to connect two ROS masters and in ROS master 1 I need to call a service defined in ROS master 2. From the Multimaster FKIE documentation it seems that the package is able to synchronize services and that it does that for all services by default. However, if I list the services of one ROS master, the services from the other ROS master don't show. If I try to call the service of the other ROS master, it prints an error

ERROR: Service [/my_service] is not available.

What do I need to do to be able to call services of another ROS master?

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What do I need to do to be able to call services of another ROS master?

services are not offered by ROS masters, so this specific question has no answer.

Do you mean: "how do I call a service offered by a node that is registered with a different master in a MultiMaster FKIE setup?"

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2019-06-26 06:34:07 -0500 )edit

@gvdhoorn probably. Do you know the answer?

kump gravatar image kump  ( 2019-06-26 06:51:31 -0500 )edit