'no matching function for call to ‘get_pointer(const turtlebot3_gazebo::TutorialsConfig&)’' at: '333,28' source: '' [closed]

asked 2019-06-24 00:47:31 -0600

czldz gravatar image

file: 'file:///usr/include/boost/bind/mem_fn.hpp' severity: 'Error' message: 'no matching function for call to ‘get_pointer(const turtlebot3_gazebo::TutorialsConfig&)’' at: '333,28' source: ''

dynamic_reconfigure::Server<turtlebot3_gazebo::tutorialsconfig> server; dynamic_reconfigure::Server<turtlebot3_gazebo::tutorialsconfig>::CallbackType f; f = boost::bind(&Potential_four::callback, _1); server.setCallback(f); bool Potential_four::callback(turtlebot3_gazebo::TutorialsConfig &config) {

// ROS_INFO("Reconfigure Request: %d,%d",a,b);
return true;


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Closed for the following reason Question does not follow our guidelines for questions. Please see: http://wiki.ros.org/Support for more details. by gvdhoorn
close date 2019-06-24 02:07:12.765228


This is not a question, but a straight dump of an error and some code.

Please provide more context and tell us what you are trying to do.

I've closed it for now. Use the edit button/link to fix your question, then we can re-open.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2019-06-24 02:07:17 -0600 )edit