I wanted to use octomap_server but it looks like it will only accept pointcloud as an input, not pose. Am I missing something here?
You seem to imply that octomap_server
should take in both pose and cloud and then use the received pose to properly position the received cloud relative to what it has already 'seen'.
In reality, PointCloud2 is a stamped message, and contains a std_msgs/Header. That header contains both a frame_id
field which should contain the name of the frame in which the pointcloud has been captured and a stamp
field that should contain the time at which the cloud was captured.
takes the received pointcloud, extracts the stamp
and the frame_id
and then using wiki/tf2 transforms the cloud into a common frame it has used for all clouds (it doesn't actually do this, it uses functionality in tf2_sensor_msgs and tf2_ros
instead, but the result is the same).
There is no need to supply any poses as those are retrieved from the TF system.
You can see this also in the documentation: octomap_server
lists the sensor data frame → /map
transform as a Required tf Transforms (here):
Required transform of sensor data into the global map frame if you do scan integration. This information needs to be available from an external SLAM or localization node.
So as long as you provide a transform that octomap_server
can use, everything should work.
My plan is to use an rplidar with hectormapping to generate a pose topic, then combine this pose and the pointcloud to produce the octomap.
I'm not sure, but if the "camera pose" for the radar is not fixed (so you can't use a URDF or static_transform_publisher
), you'll have to get it some other way. Using a localisation method such as hector_mapping
could work. Afaik though, hector_mapping
is a 2D method only.
Perhaps something like rtabmap_ros or cartographer would be more suited.
If you're going to use multiple sources for pose estimation, you may find robot_localization can help.