Generic Chemical Sensor Message
We are interested in extending the ROS sensor_msgs with a chemical sensor message. It would be the same for Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, etc.
Is there a standard ROS way to make these a generic message if they all have the same data output (value, variance)? Or is the best way to define each chemical sensor separately?
sensor_msgs/CO2 Message
File: sensor_msgs/CO2.msg
Raw Message Definition
# Single CO2 reading.
Header header # timestamp is the time the CO2 was measured
# frame_id is the location of the CO2 reading
float64 CO2 # Measurement of the CO2 in PPM
float64 variance # 0 is interpreted as variance unknown
# The average of the squared differences from the Mean
Compact Message Definition
std_msgs/Header header
float64 CO2
float64 variance