@nuclearsandwich: what is the prognosis for build.ros.org
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regarding the build farm: see Security issue on ROS build farm for the reason the buildfarm is down.
Key rotation for ROS 2 apt repositories is related, but for now only the ROS 2 repositories are affected.
Is this intended?
well that depends how you look at it: build.ros.org
has been down since May the 19th, so in a way this is to be expected.
From status.ros.org:
Build.ros.org offline
Investigating - Our Jenkins instance is having issues with running the management jobs. We're taking it offline until we can resolve the issue.
May 19, 22:49 UTC
@nuclearsandwich: what is the prognosis for build.ros.org
Asked: 2019-05-29 14:02:52 -0500
Seen: 156 times
Last updated: Jun 02 '19
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