MoveIt! Compute Cartesian path ABORTED: Solution found but controller failed during execution.

asked 2019-05-07 03:30:19 -0500

kump gravatar image

updated 2019-05-07 04:18:51 -0500

I am using this robotic arm. I want to use the cartesian path planning. I start with a current position and gradually decrease the z coordinate and increase the y coordinate little by little, and append those positions to the list which I then pass to the compute_cartesian_path method. However I get an empty plan. Down below is the output of the terminal with the plan printed and the error message. How to fix this?

[ INFO] [1557217251.857413662, 9.357000000] [/move_group_commander_wrappers_1557217250468349932] [ros.moveit_ros_planning_interface.move_group_interface]: Ready to take commands for planning group arm.
[ INFO] [1557217252.075151786, 9.575000000] [/move_group] [ros.moveit_ros_move_group]: Received request to compute Cartesian path
[ INFO] [1557217252.075479483, 9.575000000] [/move_group] [ros.moveit_ros_move_group]: Attempting to follow 3 waypoints for link 'gripper_link' using a step of 0.010000 m and jump threshold 1.000000 (in global reference frame)
[ INFO] [1557217252.076646554, 9.576000000] [/move_group] [ros.moveit_ros_move_group]: Computed Cartesian path with 1 points (followed 0.000000% of requested trajectory)
    seq: 0
      secs: 0
      nsecs:         0
    frame_id: "/world"
  joint_names: [base_forearm_joint, forearm_0_1_joint, forearm_arm_joint, arm_0_1_joint, arm_gripper_joint]
      positions: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
      velocities: []
      accelerations: []
      effort: []
        secs: 0
        nsecs:         0
    seq: 0
      secs: 0
      nsecs:         0
    frame_id: ''
  joint_names: []
  points: []
[ INFO] [1557217252.079122682, 9.579000000] [/move_group] [ros.moveit_ros_move_group.ExecuteTrajectoryAction]: Execution request received
[ WARN] [1557217252.091157172, 9.590000000] [/move_group] [ros.moveit_simple_controller_manager]: Controller arm_position_controller failed with error code INVALID_GOAL
[ WARN] [1557217252.091245395, 9.591000000] [/move_group] [ros.moveit_ros_planning.trajectory_execution_manager]: Controller handle arm_position_controller reports status FAILED
[ INFO] [1557217252.091298267, 9.591000000] [/move_group] [ros.moveit_ros_planning.trajectory_execution_manager]: Completed trajectory execution with status FAILED ...
[ INFO] [1557217252.091413761, 9.591000000] [/move_group] [ros.moveit_ros_move_group.ExecuteTrajectoryAction]: Execution completed: FAILED
[ INFO] [1557217252.091589255, 9.591000000] [/move_group_commander_wrappers_1557217250468349932] [ros.moveit_ros_planning_interface.move_group_interface]: ABORTED: Solution found but controller failed during execution


this is the code responsible for planning. When I print the waypoints, they are all correct. But the plan contains just one point at 0.

    waypoints = []

    wpose = self.move_group.get_current_pose().pose
    init_pose = copy.deepcopy(wpose)

    wpose.position.z -= 0.05
    wpose.position.y += 0.03

    wpose.position.z -= 0.05
    wpose.position.y += 0.03

    wpose.position.z -= 0.05
    wpose.position.y += 0.03


    (plan, fraction) = self.move_group.compute_cartesian_path(
                                   waypoints,   # waypoints to follow
                                   0.01,        # end_effector_step, Cartesian path to be interpolated at a resolution of 1 cm
                                   1.0,         # jump_threshold
                                   avoid_collisions = True)
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You describe a problem with "receiving an empty plan" and the output also indicates that MoveIt was unable to generate a Cartesian trajectory for you.

But your question title does not seem to correspond. Can you please check and correct?

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2019-05-07 03:52:52 -0500 )edit

This is the real problem:

Computed Cartesian path with 1 points (followed 0.000000% of requested trajectory)

not the controller bits.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2019-05-07 04:05:29 -0500 )edit

@gvdhoorn but what to do about it? I append to the list 4 positions starting with the initial position. Why does it return path with 1 point?

kump gravatar image kump  ( 2019-05-07 04:14:49 -0500 )edit

@kump the compute cartesian path service usually does not fail when it cannot find a path. Instead, it reports the fraction of the path it succeeded to find. In your case, that is 0%, so for some reason, it didn't find any path.

gonzalocasas gravatar image gonzalocasas  ( 2019-05-07 09:01:59 -0500 )edit

I'm having problems with this same repository. It's the only "near working" repository using moveit controllers I was able to find, because the documentation and the software itself is so poorly designed and maintained.

db gravatar image db  ( 2020-08-10 07:23:11 -0500 )edit

Any solution here? I am also facing the same error.

askkvn gravatar image askkvn  ( 2021-05-21 10:25:44 -0500 )edit

@gonzalocasas, for me, same cartesian goal poses are working fine with Rviz (demo.launch), but not with Gazebo+Rviz. Is there any reason behind that?

PS: I am using my custom robot

askkvn gravatar image askkvn  ( 2021-05-24 08:27:07 -0500 )edit