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Robot development

asked 2019-04-17 04:32:13 -0500

gryt gravatar image

Hi guys,

I am currently developing my own robot project, the hardware aspect is settled so i am handling the software. I have already installed ros_control and ros_controller packages and i plan to move my robot with a joystick sending a msg to ros_control. I understand that i might also need a hardware interface module for this to work. So is there any documented similar project that i can refer to, it will be of great help thank you!

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1 Answer

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answered 2019-04-17 05:02:34 -0500

Isha Dijcks gravatar image

I would recommend reading up on ros_control first. It can be kind of tricky to understand:

For connecting ros_control with your hardware, this guide is a decent start.

I hope this will help, but you'll have to specify your problem more to get a less generic answer.

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Hi Isha,

Thanks for the reply

Because i am really new to ROS, i am not too sure myself what i am to look out for. My end goal for this project is to move a physical robot using a joystick. I guess the problem here is the hardware interfacing part where i need to write the code to interface with ROS control for the robot to get a certain message for it to be moving?

gryt gravatar image gryt  ( 2019-04-17 20:48:35 -0500 )edit

If your robot doesn't support ROS already, you'd have to write the hardware interface yourself. The guide I've linked walks you through it pretty well.

For the rest it depends on what 'moving your robot' really means. Is it a single arm? A biped? A car?

If you haven't done them already, I'd highly recommend doing all the tutorials from the wiki. All of them, it will save you have to ask a lot of basic questions in the future.

When you have done that, look for packages that already exist and are related to your problem. Such as

Isha Dijcks gravatar image Isha Dijcks  ( 2019-04-18 03:37:13 -0500 )edit

Hi Isha,

Yes i have already the basic tutorials from the ROS link, my moving robot is a cart/trolley powered up by roboteq motor drivers. So right now i am trying to write the hardware interfacing part for this motor to be able to move the cart.

gryt gravatar image gryt  ( 2019-04-22 03:07:46 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2019-04-17 04:32:13 -0500

Seen: 1,042 times

Last updated: Apr 17 '19