Source code Kinetic install fails on Fedora when can't find opencv tar file

asked 2019-03-17 11:49:22 -0500

seanjohnsonmakes gravatar image

updated 2019-03-17 16:19:18 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

Source code Kinetic install fails on Fedora when can't find opencv tar file. I get this error:

[localhost ros_catkin_ws]$ /usr/bin/wstool init -j8 src kinetic-desktop-full-wet.rosinstall
Using initial elements from: kinetic-desktop-full-wet.rosinstall
Writing /home/seanjohnson/ros_catkin_ws/src/.rosinstall
ERROR in config: Failed to install tree '/home/seanjohnson/ros_catkin_ws/src/opencv3'
 Aborting install because of Failed to detect tar presence at /home/seanjohnson/ros_catkin_ws/src/opencv3.

In which ROS file is the path to the tar file defined so that I know where it is looking? And/or do you know the path?

There is a bug in installation routine for Kinetic where opencv3 is not installed properly.


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